Monday, August 16, 2010

Lions & Tigers & Bears...OH MY!!

OK, so last week my husband and I took a mini vacation and went away for a couple days.  This was nice to get away and have fun just the 2 of us.  It was the first time since we had kids that we went to a zoo without kids.  We had a GREAT time.

So maybe I have seen the Wizard of Oz a few too many times. 

The day we went to the zoo we were told was the hottest day of the year with a heat index being at least 110.  The Imax was selling tickets for $3 (I think that was a lot cheaper, I didn't care to go so I didn't check the original price) because of the heat.  It was hot but I think the humidity was low or we were having so much fun that it didn't seem to be much of a bother.

The worse part was getting into our car in the afternoon--
OUCH that was HOT!!

I started thinking of all the zoo's we have been to since we have been married and here is the list I came up with (not in any order):

San Diego--to me not worth the money, one time thing, too big, too many people but glad to say I was there once.
Denver--that was many years ago and I was pregnant but it was fun from what I remember.
Kansas City--been there many times and it has been good and bad.  Haven't been there in years.
Houston--this also many years and I was pregnant (again).  It was big, but fun.  I do remember seeing a few baby animals but I know we ended up not seeing all of it.
St. Louis--this was in 1999 and I really don't remember much about it and I don't know why.  Maybe it really wasn't all that great or we were just busy seeing a lot of things on that trip.
Washington D.C.--it was free and good thing it was NOT good at all.  Hopefully things have changed since we were there.
Omaha (Henry Doorly)--this is where we went last week.  we took the kids there 15 yrs ago and it was great then and still one of our favorites.  As hot as it was we saw lots of animals and they were out and about moving.  It is not to big and very reasonable priced.

I would love to see more zoo's around the country and hopefully someday get to take my grandkids to them.

The day we came home we decided last minute to see The Squirrel Cage Jail which is closed and now a historic site.  I would recommend it.  While there someone said something about seeing a black squirrel--COOL!!  We only have the grey ones around here and LOTS of them.  We saw a white one in Washington D.C. and now a black one.
You are probably thinking "why is she telling us all this and what does this have to do with growing in truth".  Well, I LOVE animals and I see God's love and beauty in animals.  He created ALL of them and they have a purpose in this world.  I don't like to see little bunnies being eaten but I know that they are put here for food for other animals (and humans that eat them).  I look at the markings on the big cats and think how beautiful and awesome they are.  It just amazes me. 
Is this just not amazing and beautiful to see a perfectly designed butterfly. If God took the time to create this small creature that only lives a very short time just think of how He creates each one of us in HIS image to live for HIM as long as He gives us on this earth.  

I guess this is one of the ways I feel I can worship God. 
By admiring the amazing creatures He has created for us to enjoy. 

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