So after my return from Haiti I wanted to make some changes in my life (I think I am always working to make changes). One of those changes was going to be less TV & less internet. First I had to catch up on the shows I missed while in Haiti (that doesn't count--right?). I will confess that I have not done the best at watching less TV, especially with May being the end of the season for most shows. BUT I keep on working on this.
OK, so back to the books. Around the end of April, I think, I was looking on one of my many bookshelves to see if there was a book I had not read yet. I found more than I care to admit but one jumped out at me and I decided to read it. Before I tell you about this book let me add that I did very well reading it for a couple weeks in between a lot of business but then mid to end of May the TV won over and the book sat for a couple weeks. Once I picked it back up I couldn't put it down and was finished by the end of May.
I have since been to one of our Christian book stores and got caught up in the $1 books and got 5 of them. I thought that was a deal...5 books for $5. Now I just have to decide which to read first so I read the intro of each and then picked one.
OK, back to the original book. I read Confessions of a Prayer Wimp by Mary Pierce. I have had this book for a while so I looked at the copyright and it is from 2005. I am sure I have had it since then. Oh well, better late than never.
This book is wonderful. She is funny and smart. I laughed and cried. I could relate to much of what she was saying and that helps. She has points to ponder at the end of each chapter. I didn't really take the time to do all them but I did read them and do some of them. I wonder...why did it take me so long to read this great book?
So if you are looking for a quick, easy, funny, inspiring book to read I highly recommend this one. Now back to my new book...
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