The nice thing is he will do something for his (our) daughter on Valentine's Day. When the kids were little he would make a big deal for her and I would do a little something for our boys.
For me seeing my man do something special for our daughter made me love him even more.
I have been married over 2 decades and I am very blessed to have a man that loves me and likes to do special things for me whenever he can. I like it when I get a card for no other reason than he was thinking of me and wanted to get me a card. When he picks up a special treat from the store because he is thinking of me. When I am having a bad day and he takes time to listen and hug me.
In saying all that I will say that on Saturday I was feeling a bit left out regarding Valentine's Day. You see my husband has been very, very busy at work. So much so I hardly seen him at all last week. He didn't have time to really think about me and I was OK with that until Sat. evening. For some reason it just hit me. I had been missing him but seeing all the Valentine commercials (I was watching way to much TV) made me miss him even more. By the time he got home late Sat. night I was in tears. He was tired but still listened to me as I cried my way through my "rough" week.
It didn't end there. He listened as I cried through part of Sunday. It was nice to have him next to me in church but sad knowing that after church he was heading back to work.
With a week of little sleep and putting in 3 weeks of work into one he still vacuumed the hall for me and went to the store with me even though he could barely stand from being so tired. I was so thankful and told him so.
I did get him a card and he got me some chocolates (I picked them out). I do miss my Valentine on this day and everyday he is not with me. I am spoiled and I am a big baby...I like having my man around.
I do hope your Valentine's Day is a good one and what you hope for. For me I just hope my husband doesn't have to work late again tonight but if he does my heart & prayers will be with him.
Doing something special and letting the one you love know it is not reserved for one day a year. So remember to let the ones you love know that you love them all throughout the year.
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