So since I got up earlier than I wanted to I thought I could get a lot of things done today since I work tomorrow and have a very busy week ahead. I feel the next "free" day I have will be a week from tomorrow--Oct. 29th.
I actually have done quite a bit this morning but you wouldn't know it by looking around my house--still working on that. I do know that it is a beautiful day with the sun shining in and for some reason I keep thinking it is Friday but that is what happens when your schedule is not normal.

When I was offered the job I was given a PRN or as needed position meaning I only had to work 1 day every 2 weeks or just 2 times a month. I wanted more...or so I thought. I do like being there more BUT I don't think it is what is best for me or my family right now. I have been out of the work force for a long time and have gotten used to one way of doing things (my way) so it is a BIG adjustment. I did get more just shortly after I started. There was a part time (2 days a week) position open and I took it.
So I went from training which was full time (3 days a week) to part time and now I have asked to go back to PRN but I can't get that until Nov. 21st. I feel like all I do is go from work day to work day and I am not catching up. I feel like I have lost focus a bit and that is why I am struggling. The thing with PRN is I can pick up more hours if I want. A wise woman told me that I tried what I thought I wanted but realized it is not what I really want, at least not right now in my life and thankfully I am able to go back without having to quit something I love doing. Makes sense.
One thing is clear and that no matter how stressed I have been or how off track I get from doing my own thing God is ALWAYS right there with me. Thankfully I have kept up with my daily devotions because I do believe that is the only reason I have not lost my mind at this point (I still have just over 4 weeks of working part time plus other things to get through so I could still lose it).
Last Sunday when I was working I had some time to read. It happens, not often but it does and it is good when it does. I get some online devotions from Proverbs 31 Ministries. Here is the site if you are interested: I print them out and take them with me in case I do get some time it gives me something good to read and they are short so that helps. I was reading one titled Hold That Thought! which really hit home to me. She is talking about being busy which I have blogged about before but the point is spending time with Jesus. Putting everything and I mean EVERYTHING aside to just sit alone with Jesus. He should be our "first" part everyday. Jesus says "Follow me" and not after we read emails or deal with the kids or do dishes or...I could go on and on but I think you get the point.
"But seek first the kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well." Matthew 6:33
I think that is clear. What do you think?
Another one I read yesterday was on dealing with "hard" times. Boy could I relate. She was talking about Job--I can't relate that well and don't ever want to. But we all face hard times the thing is how do we deal with them. How do we handle life during trials. Do we turn to others, medications (and I am not condemning the use of medicine here), drugs, alcohol, sex, internet, TV, etc...OR do we turn to Jesus! I know I don't always turn to Jesus first but I usually find my way there eventually I just wish I would turn to Him first and maybe the pain or suffering would not be as bad. Not that it would change but I would change in how I handle it. **I love the prayers at the end of these devotions and the application steps.
OK if you are still with me then WOOHOO!! AND THANKS!! Don't know if any of this helps anyone but just a few things on my mind and believe me I could go on but I think I have bored you enough for today.
Now to just remind myself to take one day at a time and continue to put Jesus FIRST in my life EVERY DAY!!
God Bless and have a GREAT weekend!!
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