I attended a celebration service for a 2 week old that touched so many lives. It was a special but sad day. A reminder of how short life is and that we need to not take anything for granted. This young infants parents are a great testimony to their faith and the love and peace that God pours down on the broken hearted. God knits us in our mothers womb. He knows every hair on our heads. He will never leave us nor forsake us. This is a love that in beyond words.
I think about how much I love my children and I don't think there is anyone, even their dad, that loves them more than me but I know that God loves them infinitely more than I could even imagine. WOW!!

I have felt a bit lazy lately and started thinking that maybe I am not "doing" enough in my walk with Christ. I have worked the last 2 Sundays and think maybe not being in church has had a bit of an affect on me but not sure. My husband reminds me that when I go and work that I am "doing" for God what a lot of people can't or won't do. I am serving sick children, their families & the nurses I work with. At least that is how I pray as I drive to work and how I feel when I am there.
So what is considered enough for God? I believe that if our heart is right with God and we are walking in His will then that is enough. Maybe I don't spend 2 hours in prayer, or read 2 chapters in the Bible everyday. I do get up every morning and spend time doing a devotion with Bible reading and then have prayer time. Sometimes this is shorter than others but I do feel it is necessary for me to cont. doing this even if at times I "feel" it is not enough.
I am keeping a positive attitude...most of the time. I think that for now I am doing what I am suppose to be doing. I am seeking God and His direction for my life. I pray for His strength in all I do. I commit each day to Him. I do need a little more discipline in some areas in my life. I am working on those areas.
So if you smell smoke that is just me thinking or over thinking about life, something I am very good at.
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