A couple weeks ago my husband was doing his devotion and said he really wanted to memorize a passage he just read. I have been working, wanting, thinking about memorizing scripture lately. I am not consistent with it but want to try a verse a week. I told him I would memorize it with him. I read the first verse a couple times got frustrated and gave up. I need to just take one verse over a week or even 2 weeks instead of working on several verses at one time. I was feeling so overwhelmed so I gave up and have YET to start again with another verse. THIS IS ONE OF MY GOALS!!
I have set myself some goals. Recently I was thinking about how I want to make sure I am a godly wife, good housewife, mom, friend, daughter, etc... PLUS I want to do my best at my job. So I have been praying for balance and direction in these areas. Sometimes we don't always get the answers we want but once we think about it we realize that is exactly what was needed.

After my shower I was ready for bed and sat down to read an online devotional I get and what was it all about...doing too much as women so we don't have to deal with LIFE! Either we are living in chaos with a frazzled life or so stressed trying to control every aspect of our lives. Of course this is not all women but it sure hit home with me that night.
The author of the devotion advised us to sit quietly with God. Relax in His presence. Being still with God is not always easy to do. Our minds race with ALL the things we have to do. God knows everything we have to do there are NO surprises to Him. This is reassuring to me. We need to let go of our fears, worries and doubts and just make room for God.
So I took a look at my calendar and started to "plan". My schedule changes but I do know I work 2 days a week and every 3rd weekend so job...check. I want to do better with my chores and since my work schedule changes I can't really say I will do this or that every Sat. so I made out a chart and will plan a week at a time so chores...check. I have TIME WITH GOD at the very top, first thing in the morning on my weekly schedule, so quiet time with God...check. I have to make sure I have some down time and time with my husband everyday so...check/check. I feel like I am starting to be able to put things together. I do know that plans change so I am going to make sure I stay flexible.
Since reading that devotion I have been working on the verse that she started with:
"Since you are my rock and my fortress, for the sake of your name lead and guide me" Psalm 31:3
I have more stresses that have been getting to me. The monthly devotional I use I could not get so I went to the Christian book store and found a Beth Moore devotional on David. Cool, this will keep me going for a while and it looks really good so I will have to let you know how it is. It is called A Heart Like His. I plan to start that in the morning. I also have to go to work and self schedule--pick the days I want to work not including my weekends. There are rules and I am just hoping I can get there and NOT have to work the days I don't want to. I am pretty flexible I just have 3 days I don't want to work on that schedule so we will see. I have been really working to trust God in all this since I have seen Him work out my schedule this whole time so why would He stop now. Doesn't mean it will be just what I want but I know it will be OK no matter what.
So that has been my life lately and I guess I didn't really put any UP's in there but there are several ups to be happy about and I am still working on being positive although that is not always easy. I am very thankful to have a wonderful husband, great kids, great friends, wonderful church, great family, great job.........so, so many things to be thankful for so there are quite a few UP's in my life. I just have to make sure I keep looking at them and not the downs.