I want to blame it on something; the weather, stress, PMS, my husband, anything other than me. Sure some of these things can affect ones attitude but blaming anything will only lead to being more grumpy and tends to make things worse than better. So just say NO to blaming!
When I get like this I start comparing myself to everyone. I wish ________(fill in the blank). There are so many things that can go into that blank. I also get really down on myself. It is like a spiral of negativity spinning out of control.
I ask myself 'what am I doing wrong?' like there is some magical answer to that. Truth is I know what I am doing and that is choosing to let the negative emotions and feelings take over instead of pushing them back and choosing to look at the positive side of life.
When I am at work I can look at someone that is being negative and smile and encourage them to think positive that things will turn out the way it is suppose to. I can encourage others to look on the bright side and think positive about their situation and even help them see the positive. They still have to choose to see the positive but it is easy for me to help them.
A few months back a started reading a book called
The 4:8 Principle by Tommy Newberry.

Personally I have found this book very helpful when I am reading it which I have not been since I started my job. So my plan is to get back into reading this book. I would highly recommend it for anyone wanting to be more positive, joy-filled and learn how to think the way God wants us to think using Philippians 4:8.
So now I am going to CHOOSE to work on my attitude. I want to have the attitude of Christ,
"Your attitude should be the same as that of Christ Jesus" Philippians 2:5.
I want to have a joy-filled, positive attitude. I want my positive attitude to rub off on others.
I know that when I am grumpy it does affect others around me and that is NOT what I want or what God wants from me.